Grow your favourite fruit and vegetables with our greenhouses
Everyone likes being known for having a green thumb, Britain is a nation of gardeners after all! But unfortunately a few of us have a habit of killing everything we touch. Be it from over watering, under watering, planting at the wrong time of year or any number of other reasons, it is just a bit too easy to kill a lovely little plant entirely by accident. But there are ways of minimising casualty rates, and some of it is just providing your plants with a good start or ongoing protection. Enter the Rinkit PVC Greenhouse & Garden Storage collection!
Popular products from our Greenhouses & Grow Tunnels collection
The Harbour Housewares PVC Grow Tunnel Greenhouse is the perfect PVC greenhouse to protect your young plants whilst they grow up ready to face the world! Incredibly flexible and easy to install, the classic hooped framework of this grow tunnel lets you set how big you want it to be! The cover is made of PVC, which is a great insulator as well as being transparent (pretty key if you want to be able to grow anything). Shelter your seedlings and young plants from birds, insects and other pests with this amazing product.
If space is at a premium for you, or you want to have a PVC greenhouse off the ground then why not try the Harbour Housewares 4 Tier Multi Shelf Greenhouse for Plants/Vegetables? It offers great, practical shelter for seedlings, fruits, vegetables and flowers to grow and flourish in! It is constructed with a glavanised steel framework, which allows us t offer a much more open framework than other materials such as plastic, as it Is stronger and requires less material to maintain the strength. We then cover this framework with a PVC cover, designed to retain heat and maintain a warmer temperature while also offering protection from the elements.