Craft, ale or lager? Our beer glasses are suitable for any occasion
As one of the nations favourite drinks, it was only right that Rinkit! expand into the market! Beer is traditionally made from barley, however many cereal oats have been used, however as we refined the process we introduced other ingredients, or even changed the base ingredient used (with even rice being on the table now!) and fiddled about with timings, temperatures and a variety of other factors, we have expanded out into lagers, stouts, pale ales, bitters, and IPA’s to name just a few!
Popular products from our Beer Glasses collection
In this collection, you'll find plenty of great styles of beer glasses, including popular stemmed and craft beer glasses which will be welcomed by customers who like to experiment with their beers. However, we also have tulip, pint and beer tankard glasses that'll ensure you have more classic designs for your punters. These all come in a range of sizes, from big to small beer glasses, so you can be sure you give your customers plenty of options.
If you want to ensure your beer goes down a treat, you'll want to invest in some branded beer glasses. These have been designed by the brains behind the beers to perfectly complement them, meaning you can give your customers a beer glass that enhances their drinking experience. Plus, they will add a nice touch to your bar if you choose to display these.